
A healthy missions program includes not just GOERS but SENDERS as well.  
Please learn about, pray for, and give to our missions teams.

Missionary of the Month

Marcos and Veronica Schultz

Marcos hitchhiked from Massachusetts to Tijuana—a quick 3-day trip—in 1974. There he met Jesus, his wife Veronica, Pastor Gary and Esther Mussser (co-founders of Olive Tree), and Pastor Von (who discipled him for 42 years). Olive Tree is about mobilizing Latins for the missions, discipleship, and reaching out to the poor and needy. Marcos frequently speaks at churches, conferences, and outreaches throughout the world.

JCC is sending a short-term team to work with the Schultzes on May 24-28.
Prayer Requests

1. Time management. Marcos has numerous wonderful opportunities to speak and minister, but only so much time in his schedule. Pray that he can balance them well for the Lord!

2. The missions message. Not many Mexican churches prioritize this so he is trying to impact pastors to lift their eyes to the harvest that is around the world. This involves biblical training but also practical planning when it comes to mobilizing the believers in Mexico and financially supporting them.

3. The work to be done while the JCC team is there over Memorial Day weekend. There are physical ministry projects to be completed and spiritual ministry events as well, and we pray that the Gospel can be proclaimed in all we do with the Schultzes.

The Great Commission

Matthew 28:18-20

And Jesus said to them: "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of ALL NATIONS, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."


One of our core values is to be about the work of expanding.
By our missional living, evangelizing locally and globally, we are joining God as He adds to His Church.

We are involved in both long and short-term missions around the globe. Teams are sent with the purpose of evangelism and supporting local churches in countries such as Nepal, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, and Mexico. Some are also called from JCC to live their lives in full-time cross-cultural ministry. Among those sent are missionaries living in Nepal, India,
China, Mexico, and Costa Rica.

We actively support individuals and families on the foreign mission field, as well as those from our congregation who participate in short-term missions opportunities. Our support includes prayer, funding, and helping with the physical needs involved in missions.

"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile."

Romans 1:16